Gynaecomastia is a common condition caused by the abnormal growth of male breast tissue. This is most often caused by an imbalance of hormones, but a multitude of other causes are possible. Fat can accumulate around the nipples or fill the breasts to a noticeable degree. This can occur at any age, and it may adversely affect a male patients' self-confidence and can often lead to emotional distress.

At the consultation, a thorough history and examination are performed to identify the possible cause for the gynaecomastia. An individual analysis of the skin, fat and glandular tissue guides the procedure that is chosen to correct the gynaecomastia.


Males with gynaecomastia may demonstrate the following:

  • Breast pain
  • Tender breasts
  • Large areola/nipples
  • Distorted chest
  • Large breasts


Gynaecomastia surgery is individualised depending on the size, nature, and extent of the abnormal breast tissue that is present. An individualised treatment plan is created to obtain optimal results for each patient with the goal of restoring the appearance of a male chest. The procedure removes the excessive fat and glandular tissue and recreates the pectoral contour of a male chest. In some instances, excess skin may need to be removed at a second stage to optimise the aesthetic result.

Surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic. A combination of liposuction and surgical excision may be utilised to address and remove the abnormal breast tissue. Occasionally, liposuction may also be used to treat the gynaecomastia.


The post-surgical care is as important as the procedure to ensure the desired outcome. Patients are required to wear a compression garment for a period ranging from four to six weeks. Physical activity is restricted during this time to allow for healing and recovery. Surgical drains are placed to remove excess fluid and blood, and these are removed after the first week.

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